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- The latest industrial grade 32bits ARM microprocessor and embedded operating system are used
- Using CAN bus network
- Integrating 5lines of high-speed RS-485 bus port(4 lines for driving ultrasonic sensor, 1 line for driving LED display)
- Off-line work, can be cut off with computer and work independently
- Car space data collect real-time and issue
- GPRS-DTU module can be connected and remote data transmission function can be realized
Power Supply:DC12V/1A
CAN bus network distance can be up to 3000 meters
1 host can manage up to 58 partitions;
1 host can manage up to 62 extensions set;
Each RS485 bus can manage up to 16 parking spaces, 8 spaces guidancescreen;
Offline records can be stored up to 60 days